Hamiltonian equation optimal control pdf

Hamiltonian equations via the so called legendre transformation. An introduction to optimal control theory and hamilton jacobi equations. T is a function of p alone, while v is a function of q alone i. Necessary conditions for optimization of dynamic systems. An introduction to optimal control theory and hamiltonjacobi equations. The rst is naturally associated with con guration space, extended by time, while the latter is. General formulation consider the general optimal control problem two slides back. In this paper, an optimal control for hamiltonian control systems with external variables will be formulated and analysed. Viscosity solutions of hamiltonjacobi equations and optimal.

This task presents us with these mathematical issues. Hamiltonjacobibellman equations for quantum optimal control. In this paper several assertions concerning viscosity solutions of the hamiltonjacobibellman equation for the optimal control problem of steering a system to zero in minimal time are proved. Hamiltonian equation an overview sciencedirect topics. Hamiltonian function a realvalued function hx,y is considered to be a conserved quantity for a system of ordinary di. Hamilton jacobibellman equations and the optimal control of stochastic systems introduction in many applications engineering, management, economy one is led to control problems for stochastic systems. First two rather general uniqueness theorems are established, asserting that any positive viscosity solution of the hjb equation must, in fact, agree with the minimal time function near zero. A simple but not completely rigorous proof using dynamic programming. This equation is wellknown as the hamilton jacobibellman hjb equation. This formulation is coordinatefree and hence invariant. Hamiltonjacobibellman equations and the optimal control of. Instead, we construct a way of writing down the optimal control. The optimal control policy based on the hamiltonian equation 5. Finally, both the equation of the hamiltonian system are first order differential equations, and there is no differential equation for the control variable.

Lecture 1 the hamiltonian approach to classical mechanics. The hamiltonianjacobibellman equation for timeoptimal. Pdf 231 kb 2012 largetime asymptotics for onedimensional dirichlet problems for hamiltonjacobi equations with noncoercive hamiltonians. Finally it is shown how the pontryagins principle fits very well to the theory of hamiltonian systems. Force equals the negative gradient of potential energy. Bennett volume 18 applied control theory, 2nd edition j.

This will be clearer when we consider explicit examples presently. The optimal cost, j, is produced by the optimal histories of state, control, and lagrange multiplier. Inspired by, but distinct from, the hamiltonian of classical mechanics, the hamiltonian of optimal. While we wont use hamilton s approach to solve any further complicated problems, we will use it to reveal much more of the structure underlying classical dynamics. An introduction to mathematical optimal control theory version 0. I was just wondering if from the second set of differential equations one could derive the hamiltonian. It is, in general, a nonlinear partial differential equation in the value function, which means its solution is the value function itself. Lec1 optimal control optimal control eulerlagrange equation example hamilton jacobi bellman equation optimal control optimal control problem state feedback dynamic programming hjb. The initial and terminal conditions on k t pin then do wn the optimal paths. These turn out to be sometimes subtle problems, as the following collection of examples illustrates. Billingsley editor volume 33 temperature measurement and control j. Hamiltonian and lagrange multiplier formulation of deterministic optimal control for deterministic control problems 164, 44, many can be cast as systems of ordinary differential equations so there are many standard numerical methods that can be used for the solution. Necessary and sufficient conditions which lead to pantryagins principle are stated and elaborated.

Optimal feedback control, hamiltonian system, generating function, hamiltonjacobi equation, cauchy. The rst is naturally associated with con guration space, extended by time, while the latter is the natural description for working in phase space. In optimal control theory, the hamilton jacobibellman hjb equation gives a necessary and sufficient condition for optimality of a control with respect to a loss function. Formulation of a hamiltonian cauchy problem for solving. The hjb equation assumes that the costtogo function is continuously differentiable in x and t, which is not necessarily the case.

The hamilton jacobi equation and the viscosity solutions. How to construct a hamiltonian for a classical system of particles. Munro editors volume 28 robots and automated manufacture j. Hamiltonianbased algorithm for relaxed optimal control. In optimal control theory, the hamiltonjacobibellman hjb equation gives a necessary and sufficient condition for optimality of a control with respect to a loss function.

It can be understood as an instantaneous increment of the lagrangian expression of the problem that is to be optimized over a certain time horizon. In other words, if xt,yt is a solution of the system then hxt,yt is constant for all time which also. We now consider some variations of the continuoustime optimal control problem outlined in. Its spectrum is the set of possible outcomes when one measures. An introduction to optimal control theory and hamiltonjacobi. These are the y et unkno wn optimal paths plus some scalar times some p erturbation functions p 1 t and 2. As in the 1d case, time dependence in the relation between the cartesian coordinates and the new coordinates will cause e to not be the total energy, as we saw in eq. Hot network questions do mixture ratio always need to be constant throughout the flight. Qureshi abstract this paper concerns a rstorder algorithmic technique for a class of optimal control problems dened on switchedmode hybrid systems. The discrete hamiltonian theory and in particular, the discrete hamilton jacobi equation were developed as a generalization of nonsingular, discrete optimal control problems 28, 39, 40. In quantum mechanics, a hamiltonian is an operator corresponding to the sum of the kinetic energies plus the potential energies for all the particles in the system this addition is the total energy of the system in most of the cases under analysis. Chapter 2 lagranges and hamiltons equations in this chapter, we consider two reformulations of newtonian mechanics, the lagrangian and the hamiltonian formalism. Generic hjb equation the value function of the generic optimal control problem satis es the hamilton jacobibellman equation. Solutions of any optimal control problem are described by trajectories of a hamiltonian system.

An introduction to mathematical optimal control theory. The rst order necessary condition in optimal control theory is known as the maximum principle, which was named by l. Volume 8 a history of control engineering, 18001930 s. In other words the eulerlagrange equation represents a nonlinear second order ordinary di erential equation for y yx. The hamiltonian method ilarities between the hamiltonian and the energy, and then in section 15. The hamiltonian is a function used to solve a problem of optimal control for a dynamical system. The optimal control problem the continuous counterpart of deep neural network is optimal control which has been well studied for hundreds of years with solid mathematical theories 14. Using this to replace 4 in t, the hamiltonian becomes. The maximum principle and stochastic hamiltonian systems. The discrete hamiltonian theory and in particular, the discrete hamiltonjacobi equation were developed as a generalization of nonsingular, discrete optimal control problems 28, 39, 40. Steadystate regulator usually pt rapidly converges as t decreases below t limit pss satis. Hamiltonian mechanics brainmaster technologies inc. The hamiltonian and the maximum principle conditions c. The case of potryagins maximum principle will be considered in.

Sep 24, 2017 optimal control eulerlagrange equation example hamilton jacobi bellman equation optimal control optimal control problem state feedback dynamic programming hjb hamilton jacobibellman. We thus have 2n ordinary differential equations odes and 2n. The solution y yx of that ordinary di erential equation which passes through a. In these notes, both approaches are discussed for optimal control. It is usually denoted by, but also or to highlight its function as an operator. Having established that, i am bound to say that i have not been able to think of a problem in classical mechanics that i can solve more easily by hamiltonian methods than by newtonian or lagrangian methods. Either of these two equivalent conditions implies that u p2c. There exist two main approaches to optimal control and dynamic games. Viscosity solutions of hamiltonjacobi equations and optimal control problems. Firstly, to solve a optimal control problem, we have to change the constrained dynamic optimization problem into a unconstrained problem, and the consequent function is known as the hamiltonian function denoted. Hamilton jacobibellman equations using the elementary arguments of classical control theory and show that this i s equivalent, in the stratono vich calculus, to a stochastic hamilton pontryagin. Hamiltonian dynamics of particle motion c1999 edmund bertschinger.

The system is intrinsically associated to the problem by a procedure that is a geometric elaboration of the lagrange multipliers rule. The hamilton jacobi theory for solving optimal feedback control problems with general boundary conditions by chandeok park chair. The function hx,y is known as the hamiltonian function or hamiltonian of. The discrete hamilton jacobi equation is a theory that has been developed along recent decades, and it is usually framed as the expected outcome of a. Leigh volume 20 design of modern control systems d. Introduce the maximum principle as a necessary condition to be satis. With a nonzero hamiltonian, the dynamics itself through the conserved hamiltonian showed that the appropriate parameter is path length. In other words, if xt,yt is a solution of the system then hxt,yt is constant for all time which also implies that d dt hxt,yt 0. Jun 03, 2016 in this paper, an optimal control for hamiltonian control systems with external variables will be formulated and analysed. F or an y c hoice of p 1 t, 2 follo ws from the dynamic constrain that go v erns ev olution k t. Rd the initial condition of a dynamic system, the control of the system can be described by the following ordinary differential equation. For dynamic programming, the optimal curve remains optimal at intermediate points in time. Amplitude of oscillation without solving differential equation. Hamiltonian matrices and the algebraic riccati equation.

Hamiltonian systems and optimal control springerlink. The discrete hamiltonjacobi equation is a theory that has been developed along recent decades, and it is usually framed as the expected outcome of a. Egerstedt a a school of ele ctrical and computer engine ering, geor gia institute of t echnolo gy, atlanta. Hamiltonian from a differential equation physics stack exchange. The hamiltonian formalism well now move onto the next level in the formalism of classical mechanics, due initially to hamilton around 1830.

Consider an optimal control problem that is commonly used in financial applications. Hamiltonianbased algorithm for relaxed optimal control y. Setting this issue aside temporarily, we move to a problem of optimal control to show another area in which the equation arises naturally. An introduction to optimal control theory and hamilton. Hamiltonian in the latter one need not be constant along the optimal trajectory. Optimal control lecture 18 hamiltonjacobibellman equation. Once the solution is known, it can be used to obtain the optimal control by. Optimal control and hamiltonian system science publishing.

C h a p t e r 10 analytical hamiltonjacobibellman su. The scheme is lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics. Generic hjb equation the value function of the generic optimal control problem satis es the hamiltonjacobibellman equation. An introduction to lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics. Scheeres this dissertation presents a general methodology for solving the optimal feedback control problem in the context of hamiltonian system theory. Remark it is not very complicated to prove the following properties of the matrix j. We need to consider the secondorder differential equation. Using dynamic constrain t, simplify those rst order conditions. Dynamic optimization and its relation to classical and quantum. Jul 14, 2006 in this paper several assertions concerning viscosity solutions of the hamilton jacobibellman equation for the optimal control problem of steering a system to zero in minimal time are proved. Fortunately, you dont have to derive them from first principles for every problem.

In the nal section, we present some modern theory of the equation. Suppose we own, say, a factory whose output we can control. Optimal control lecture 18 hamilton jacobibellman equation, cont. Hamiltonian systems and hjb equations, authorjiongmin. Lecture 4 continuous time linear quadratic regulator. Its original prescription rested on two principles.

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